If you are interested in joining the group, then please contact us as soon as you can for an informal chat. The earlier the contact is made the better the chances of being funded! Funded post-doc positions are advertised as and when they arise. However, we really encourage you to apply for independent funding as well, where we can advise and assist on the research proposal. Be advised that the timeline for many of these is somewhere between 9 and 15 months so early preparation is vital.
CURRENT: We have a great opportunity to join the lab as a PDRA working on transporters and antibiotic resistance
Project is in collaboration with Simon Newstead and Chris Schofield in Chemistry here so team work essential!
14 August 2024 deadline!
Specific PhD studentships for the lab are advertised, but most students come in via one of the main DTC programs:
Computational Discovery [not taking students anymore]
Oxford Interdisciplinary Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership. (BioSciences DTP)
Wellcome Trust Structural Biology Programme (not taking students anymore)
Wellcome Trust Chemistry in Cells
You can also apply direct to the department (see here: https://www.bioch.ox.ac.uk/supervisors-and-projects )
If you are already in Oxford, then feel free to come and chat informally at any time. International students intending to apply for independent scholarships should do so as soon as possible.
Note however, that we do NOT tend to take CSC applications as they don't provide any bench fees.
Marie Curie: If you are a post-doc thinking of applying for the Marie Curie Fellowship, please be aware that the EU has one deadline, but that the University imposes a deadline on us that is 2-3 weeks before that. It is critical you consult the central university website to establish the Oxford deadline and make sure that we have the best chance to submit a decent proposal in good time. You should also be prepared to visit the lab to discuss your proposal long before the deadlines.